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Friday, December 28, 2012

windows 8 full version

Download Windows 8 for free [Full Version]

Windows 8 is a new version of Windows that focuses on variety of hardware platform and form factors such as slim-type computers and new generation of touch devices. The new version free for download was made available for developers and testers of the new OS.
Here’s the download links for the Enterprise version of Windows.

How to get and download the latest operating system
Thankfully, Microsoft released the new version free for download designed for technological professionals, engineers and IT personnel's for testing and debugging purposes.
Download Links of the ISO file (x86 and x64) 
If you can’t download the file, make sure that you are login to your respected Hotmail account.

Hardware and System Requirements
Windows 8 works with the same hardware that Windows 7 have:
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster 
  • Computer Memory: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit) 
  • Hard disk space: 20 gigabytes (GB)  
  • Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver
  • tablet or monitor that supports multi-touch.
Windows 8 uses a new graphical interface based on Metro design concept. It is a new tile based Start screen very similar to Windows Phone OS.

That’s it! Keep on reading!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012


strangers are the best people to fall in love with. strangers have no story but the one you want them to have. strangers have no baggage, no damages, no faults, only a beautiful face and beautiful lips and beautiful possibilities. As we glance across a coffee shop or make passing eye contact on the street, you are whatever I want you to be. We are everything I've always wanted. I will never stop falling in love with you, stranger. These are the letters I write you.

It all started here and so should you. or start where ever you want. we always end up in the same spot, anyway.

“This was the wonderful thing about strangers. They were big blank pieces of paper, you could draw whatever you liked on their impressionable surfaces.”

Now everything has changed and become difficult. I realized today that the difference between us and the reason that we need to escape each other is because you need time to learn how to care about others more than you care about yourself, and I need to learn how to care more about myself than I do about others.

How do I start explaining these things? I could write you hundreds of letters but you wouldn’t understand the ache in my chest. You wouldn’t understand the way I say goodnight to you while I’m lying in the dark and you aren’t there next to me. Or the way that I wake up surrounded by pillows, dreaming they are you. The dread I feel when I’ve woken but can’t open my eyes, and the feeling fades into dark behind my eyelids. It would be so easy to be selfish, but I’d never forgive myself. I want so much for you, for us.
You can’t understand how you can be constantly present while so far away.
You shouldn’t worry about me being alone. The thing about me is that I’ve always been alone. And now, even though you’ve left me half a world away, I’m somehow not so lonely these days.
These are the days that all those comforting words of sympathy become pure unarguable truths.
I am one of the lucky ones.
Maybe I’m a mess but you clean me up so well.
Everyday everyday everyday everyday. Everyday you become a little less of a stranger and a little more of a great mystery of my life. You’ve got me, yet you say I’m the one that only has to say the word, that the choice is all mine and you will wait around for me to make it. Since the moment I met you, I never had a choice. My only choice was a drunken decision to step off a cliff, and now that I’ve sobered up the only way is down. I just keep falling further and further. Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 meters per square second and there’s no bottom in sight.
That is the thing about humans. It is so easy for them to say things. They can go on and on and on like experts about topics. Then it comes down to it. I am not discounting myself. I have told people so many things, so many beliefs but look at me! I am the same! I am selfish and go after what I want just the same as the next person. I suppose that is life: selfishness and getting what you want. It’s a rat race, I hear. But all I really want is to make people happy. I never did anything with any intention of hurting any one and that makes the difference.
Some people take the easy way out. They know that some people have no way to possibly defend themselves, they know that they wont even try. So they strike.
I strike when I know that there is a fight to be had. I strike when I know I will have to have courage. I strike because of belief, not because of ease.
There’s a huge difference. Someday you’ll see it.
There’s too many things I can’t talk about in their fullest sense. Only half. Only the strong. I can’t tell people about my weaknesses, if I do, they are real, and I am no longer this strong independent thing. But I check and I check and I replay scenarios and imagined situations over and over in my mind until every night I’m dreaming about them. There is nothing in this world that I regret, there is nothing that I would change. I just wish that I knew that was not true for you.
Happiness comes at a price and I think.
I think.
I never drink milk but tonight I did. I let just a little sit at the bottom and it curdled, right there, in front of my eyes. Aren’t things supposed to spoil slower than that?
I can thank you, the you I don’t talk about anymore, all I want, but part of my heart is still screaming.
it’s like when I run my hand over my shoulders to fight the cold and notice muscles that weren’t there before. That’s how these feelings go. I’m minding my business doing something, and then I notice them. I didn’t know they were there but there they are, and I’m all surprised, even though that is exactly what I’ve been moving toward, working for.There’s so many freckles on my body I could never claim to know them all, but I can promise a new one would look weird for a time.
the absence of one, even stranger.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

how to make calculator using javascript

The javascript involved in this tutorial is not too much extent and is very easy to understand. In the making of this basic calculator we have created 5 javascript functions, the first of which runs when the page loads. However before understanding each function, first you need to setup your html page.
The very first step is to look out for a header so each browser knows what to expect. Headers are not a part of this tutorial. However you can find loads of information by typing 'html headers' into google. So copy the code below and paste it into a blank document and then save it as 'calculator.html' in a folder called 'java-calc'.
Listing 1: Displaying the header information
<TITLE>Basic Calculator</TITLE>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/calculator.css" />
You will notice the last line of the code above is referencing a style sheet (.css) for the reason that because we will need to make a style sheet in orders to display our calculator in a nice orderly format. Next we will insert the 5 functions that run this calculator.
The first thing we need to do is to create an instruction to the users’ browser that we are including some javascript code in the header section of the document. The command is very simple. Go ahead and copy and paste this code to your javacalculator.html document and save it.
<script type="text/javascript"></script>
Now we will need to setup a few variables. These are regarded as 'Global' variables as any function we create will be able to read and write to these global variables, whereas variables that reside only inside a function can only be accessed by that function. A variable is a placeholder for information. These placeholders are written to and read from constantly throughout a program. In this case, we need four (4) global variables. To define them you type the word 'var' (short for variable) then type the name you wish to give to each variable. You can name them whatever you like. Later in your functions, you will refer to these variables by their name. Go ahead and copy/paste the code below into your file and save it.
var Overall="", First="", Second="", Opp="";
One must separate each variable with a commer (,). And when you have finished, the line must end with a semi-colon (;) which tells the browser that the instructional line it has just read is finished and is waiting for the next set of instructions.
The 'First' variable will hold the first set of numbers that is entered using our keypad. The 'Second' holds the set of numbers entered "AFTER" the 'Opp' key is pressed. The 'Opp' variable holds the 'operator' key which is the factor or plus/minus/multiplied/divided the four basic math functions for our calculator and the 'Overall' holds the answer to calculations. It is been set them to 'blank' or 'nill' or 'nothing' by putting '=""' after each one. This is because when the page is loaded and the variables are created we want them to hold no values (be empty). Variables in javascript as with many other languages reside in the computer’s memory (ram).

Onto the functions

One can arrange these functions in whatever order you like as long as they go somewhere in between the <head> and </head> sections of your file. The first one is our "clear" function that is meant to work the same as the 'C' button on any calculator. It resets all the variables. Copy and paste each of the functions into your page.
Listing 2: Illustrates the function Clear()
function Clear()
    First = "";
    Second = "";
    Opp = "";
    Overall = "";
    document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML = '0';
You will notice that the first line of the function includes the word 'function' followed by the function name (you call this anything you like), and that the function name has two important elements.
  • It does not have a semi-colon (;) after it
  • It has a set of brackets '( )' immediately after the nameEach instruction inside the function ends with a ';' semi-colon and ALL instructions are placed inside curly brackets '{ }'. This tells the browser where the instructions begin and end.
Listing 3: Illustrates function Init()
function Init()
This function simply calls the previous "clear()" function and we will load it when the page loads.
Listing 4: Illustrates the Functioning of the Numbered Keys
function MyClick($key)
    { var Display="";
if(Opp == ""){
    First = First + $key;
    document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML = First;
    Second = Second + $key;
    Display = document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML;
    document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML = First + ' ' + Opp + ' ' + Second;
This function will be activated when the user clicks any of the numbered keys on the calculator.
Listing 5: Code adds the Operator sign to the ‘Opp’ variable
function Operator($sign)
{       var Display="";
    Opp = $sign;
// See if the first and second factors have values ie: there has already been an equation
if(First != "" && Second != "") DoSum();
    Display = document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML;
    document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML = Display + ' ' + Opp + ' ';
This function adds the operator sign to the 'Opp' variable. The value given to the $sign variable inside this function is the value of the key pressed by the user. for eg: the plus ( + ) key. There is another 'IF' statement inside this function which checks to see if the 'First' and 'Second' variables have values already. If they do, then it calls another function 'DoSum()' which does the calculation. That function is next (below). If not, it just adds the operator to the 'Opp' variable only.
Listing 6: Illustrates the function DoSum()
function DoSum()
    var string;
if(First != "" && Second != "" && Opp != "")
        string = First + ' ' + Opp + ' ' + Second;
    Overall = eval(string);
    document.getElementById('screen').innerHTML = Overall;
    // Now clear the First, Second and Opp variables for further use
    First = Overall;
    Second = "";
    Opp = "";
This final function completes the code. It checks to see if there are 3 values inside the variables. If so, it calculates the answer. It takes the new variable 'string' and adds to that string all 3 values from the global variables (First,Opp and Second) so we end up with one string.
Figure 1: Calculator


The article explained the step by step process to come up with a calculator developed in JavaScript. See you next time.

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