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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One of my close friends sent me this message one day to cheer me up. Hope it can help others.

The greatest irony of love: Loving the right person at the wrong time or having the wrong person when the time is right; finding out you love someone after that person walks out of your life. For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much they love that person. Some are afraid to see the one they love being held by someone else. Most relationships tend to fail not because of the absence of love, but because love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much, and the other was being loved too little. Most often, we fall in love with the person we think we love, but to only discover that for them we are just for past times. While the one who truly loves us remains either your friend or a stranger.

When you think of your past love; you may view it as a failure; but when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher. In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost. What's important is that you know when to hold on and when to let go. You know that you love someone when you want him or her to be happy, even if their happiness means that you're not apart of it. Everything happens for a reason and for its best. If the person you love doesn't love you back, don't be afraid to love someone else again, for you'll never know unless you give it a try.

You'll never truly love a person, unless you risk for their love; love strives in hurting. If you don't get hurt, then you won't learn how to love. Love doesn't hurt all the time; though the hurting is there to test you, to help you grow. Don't find love, let love find you; that's why it's called falling in love, because you don't need to force yourself to love, you just fall. You cannot finish a book without closing the chapters. If you want to move on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages.

Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress. But why is it that the greatest irony of love is letting go when you want to hold on, and holding on when you need to let go? You can never find the right person if you can never let it go of the wrong, but at the same time the moment you feel like letting go, you remember why you held on for so long. Sometimes you have to forget what you want and remember what you deserve.
To love is to risk rejection, to live is to risk dying and to hope is to risk failure. But risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing at all. To reach for another is to risk involvement, to expose your feelings is to expose your true self. To love is to risk not being loved in return.

How to define love: Fall but do not stumble. Be constant but not too persistent. Share and never be unfair. Understand and try not to demand. Hurt but never keep the pain.
Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling. It should inspire you and give you joy and strength. But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end. Loving people means giving them the freedom; whom they choose to be and where they choose to go. Loving someone means giving them the freedom to find their way, whether it leads towards you or away from you.

Love can be a painful risk. To love means that risk must be taken, no matter how scary or painful, for only then will you experience the fullness of humanity of what we call love. If you're not ready to cry, if you're not ready to take the risk and if you're not ready to feel the pain, then you're not ready to fall in love. 

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Cofradia De San Jose in Naga

A visit for the late Sec. Jesse Robredo vigil.

Photos from:
Kuya Jomar Sabio

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ten Real-Life Werewolves in Human History

Let’s admit that we’ve all heard stories about werewolves and have been scared breathless in our childhoods. Now that we are all grown up we know they don’t exist but we have seen then in movies, read novels about them. They are pretty cool. I believe that humans tend to be very ignorant at times and we simply deny the existence of things that our mind cannot comprehend. Same is the case with werewolves. Just because the entire phenomenon seems a bit farfetched and we haven’t seen them with our own eyes, we blindly trust that these creatures do not exist. But are we doing the right thing in trusting that? Read on to find out.


In the sixteenth century, in a town of Dole, the residents were permitted to hunt and kill the werewolf that had been haunting the village. A group of villagers, walking in the forest, heard the screams of a little child. Upon arriving at the source of the screams, the villagers witnessed a child trying to fend off a monstrous wolf, later identified as Gilles Garnier. He confessed of being a werewolf and was later burnt.


The records say that in 1640, the German city of Greifswald was raided by werewolves. Their population was so huge that any human who walked the streets after dark was considered to be a werewolf. All the silver in the town, the plate and goblets were melted to form bullets. They hunted down the wolves and they freed themselves of this misery. They could roam the streets at night, fearless as ever, once again.


The Bavarian town of Ansbach was being terrorized by a wolf in 1685. It was said that the wolf was actually the town’s dead mayor. The wolf was killed and the carcass was dressed to resemble the mayor. It was put on in the town square and was later transferred into a museum.


Many hunters gathered at the thick forests in around the area of Klein-Krams. The forests were filled with different animals to hunt and people from all over Germany gathered here to hunt their own game. These hunters started reporting sightings of a wolf, a wolf that would mock them by stealing their game and disappearing into the woods. One day, a young cavalry officer saw a group of people running out of a house, screaming. There was no one chasing them. So the officer stopped a child and asked him exactly what was going on. He told him that the youngest son of the Feeg family is alone at home and it was his custom to transform into a wolf and therefore they were running because they didn’t want to get bitten. The officer thought the child was joking, however, moments later he saw a wolf in the house and soon after that a boy in its place.


The story dates back to 1541 in Italy. A farmer killed many men in the form of a wolf. He was caught of course. The difference between normal wolves and him was the hair. In a normal wolf, they would grow outward however with him the hair grew inward. He was accused of being a wolf, and because of that his arms and legs were cut off. The farmer died of mutilation.


This particular werewolf is also known as the Demon Tailor. His real name is not known. He was accused of horrible murders in Paris in the year 1598. All the documents regarding his trial were burnt. No records remain. He used to trick children into his shop and then he would slice their throats of. He would roam the woods in the shape of wolf and attach the passers-by. Many bones were found in the cellars of his shop. He died unrepentant.


Claudia was brought to trial by the witch-hunter Henry Boguet. She was accused of being a werewolf. There were witnesses who reported that she was often seen behind a bush in the form a wolf without a tail. She was tortured because of this accusation. It is reported that she never even shed a tear and she was later burned to death. No tears huh? That’s certainly interesting.


Philibert Montot, Pierre Bourgot and Michel Verdun were tried in 1521. They were accused of having made a pact with the devil and the practicing lycanthropy. The trial happened because a man was attacked by a wolf. He was able to wound the wolf forcing him to retreat. Following his tracks, he came upon a hut where he found Michel Verdun and his wife who was treating his wound. The man reported this to the authorities. Verdun confessed that he was a werewolf and he also spilled the names of the other two accomplices.


The story dates back to 1692 and involves a man called Thiess. He confessed that he was werewolf. This story involves an epic battle between the witches and werewolves, where the werewolves tried to keep the witches from performing magic that would stop the crops from growing. During the battle, Thiess broke his nose. Iron bars were used by the wolves where the broom handles were used by the witches. Thiess said that the werewolves where the ‘hounds of Gods’. You can see how the stories today took shape with the iron and brooms and all.


Terror spread across the St. Sever districts (France) in the year 1603. From the villages, many children began to disappear. There was no trace of the attacker and there was no explanation of these incidents. Rumors spread of man-eating wolves in the region. Soon, there appeared a witness – a thirteen year old girl. She swore that she had been attacked by a monster resembling a wolf during the full moon and if it weren’t for her iron stick that she used to ward of the wolf, she would have been dead. Jean Grenier, confessed that he was the one who attacked the little girl has a wolf and was also responsible for the disappearance of other children.
The mere age of these stories make me believe in them. Why don’t you enlighten us with what you believe in the comments?
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Top Ten Eccentric and Unique Organisms

When someone says the word ‘organisms’, what comes to your mind? Better yet, living organisms? A whole list of things crawl through our minds ranging from small insects to lions and elephants to cats and dogs. There are different categories that come to our minds as well for example, aquatic, docile, wild, carnivorous, herbivorous organisms and etc. We as humans tend to be very ignorant and ignore the ‘not-so-obvious’ details on a daily basis. There are a million things that we do not know of yet and there a million organisms that do exist but we are unaware. This article talks about some weird eccentric organisms that you probably never heard of before and each one of these creatures is very interesting and unique.


Sea Pigs are creatures that are said to be related to sea cucumbers. These organisms are about four inches in length and have about ten tentacles. They don’t exactly swim but rather walk on the ocean floor with the help of their tub like feet. They detect food by its scent. They were named ‘sea pigs’ because of their pinkish skin color highly resembling the pig that we know of. They eat organic particles trapped in the mud which they scrape off with their tentacles.


This particular aquatic organism was discovered a mere seven years ago in 2005 in the Pacific Ocean. It’s called a yeti crab because the hair resembles a mythical creature that you’re probably familiar with; Yeti. These crabs can be found in the hydrothermal vents of the Pacific Ocean. These vents release a toxic liquid that is fatal to your everyday aquatic organisms (most of them). There is not a lot of research available on the yeti crab but there is a theory that says that these crabs might be blind. It is also said that they feed of the toxic liquid that is protruded by the hydro-thermal vents.


You must have seen the viperfish in the movie ‘Finding Nemo’. This particular fish is a deepwater fish and lives in tropical and moderate waters. Its length can vary from one to two feet and can be found swimming in waters that are 250 to 5000 feet deep. It might look frightening at first sight but the poor thing is a very usual prey for sharks and, believe it or not, dolphins. The viperfish can live for a whopping forty years and considering the head to teeth ratio; this one has the biggest and therefore holds the record for it.


This crab is said to be the biggest crab in the whole world with about eight legs. It is found swimming in waters that are 150 to 800 meters deep. The crab has a leg span of 3.6 meters and can be found on the southern coasts of the Japanese Island Honshu.  The Japanese Spider Crab is said to be able to live around a hundred years and they usually feed of animal carcasses and plants. You could almost compare them with vultures.


This creature is found in the Atlantic Ocean and it exists as deep as 7,020 feet. This particular organism might seem quite alien. That’s because it lives in the pitch black of the oceans. It is said that that isopod has stayed the same way for the past 130 million years and nothing about its appearance has changed. The giant isopod can grow up to fourteen inches in length and thirty inches in height. Interestingly enough it has four sets of jaws. It can survive without food for more than eight weeks and usually feeds on dead whales and fish.


It is said that the salamander has stayed the same for the past 30 million years and it is also the biggest salamander in the world right now. It can be found in the lakes of china. It can grow up to 73 inches in length and has an impressive life-span of eighty years. The salamander has a poor eye-sight so it basically uses its other senses to detect prey. The Chinese Giant Salamander is a nocturnal creature and feeds on crabs, fish, frogs and shrimps etc.

4. OLM

This is snake-like amphibian which can live in the ocean and on the land. It is about eight to twelve inches in length. An Olm is very fragile as can be judged in the picture as well. The skin texture and color resembles that of humans. The Olm too does not have a very strong vision so it depends on the sense of smell and hearing to survive.


This is a funny name but if you look at the thing it makes sense. It is found in the Okhotsk and Bering seas in the Northern Pacific. This particular fish can grow about seven inches in length and has an average life-span of 56 years. It usually feeds on squids, worms and shrimps. It is a scary looking creature; I for one wouldn’t dare go near it.


You can find this fish swimming in waters that are 300 to 1000 feet deep in basically any ocean of the world. The king usually remains in the deep waters and the rare times when it surfaces it usually dies. The fish can reach around 16 feet in length and you know that myth that says there are giant sea serpents? It is said that those rumors might have branched off the Kings.


This is one cute and cuddly thing. It is a domestic rabbit that is bred for the purposes of achieving soft wool. The origin of this particular creature is from Angora, Turkey. They can live up to seven years so you can even keep them as pet. There are five different types of the Angora Rabbit including English, German, Giant, French and Satin. They can weigh up to 12 pounds and because of their fluffiness they look very attractive. I actually find all the types of rabbits cute, doesn’t have to be fluffy. Oh, you can think of this one as a Persian Rabbit as in Persian Cat.
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Creative ways to say “I love you”

“I love you.” 

They’re three little words, but man, are they powerful ones! Telling someone that you feel this way is always quite a moment — some people, however, go above and beyond the call of duty and concoct romantic gestures that are incredibly thoughtful and personal. Let these stories serve as some food for thought if you want a new way to express how much someone means to you. 

I got my fave sweets from my sweetie
“One night, my date and I went to the movies and I was talking about how I only liked pink Starburst — there were so many other horrid flavors (orange got a particularly harsh review). So the next time he saw me, he gave me a huge box full of pink Starburst with a letter in it explaining that he realized he loved me when I was being absolutely unreasonable about something as dumb as a candy... and he still adored me. I still remember that gesture to this day.”
— Jacynth LeMaistre, 29, Palo Alto, CA 

He put himself to the test... but we both won
“This guy and I had been casually dating and were slowly growing to like each other. But I think both of us were too bashful to come out and say so… that is, until one afternoon when we were lying on the beach. I was readingCosmopolitan, and there was this quiz in it called: “Is It Love Or Lust For You?” Surprisingly, he volunteered to take the quiz — and answered all the questions (except, notably, one about whether he favored soccer over a girlfriend) in a very ‘it’s love’ kind of way. By the end of the test, I had my answer!”
— Sandra Heikkinen, 30, San Francisco, CA
Great minds think alike, even when they don’t follow the same morning ritual
“I don’t drink coffee, but the man I was dating did — so one morning after I’d spent the night at his place, I brewed a pot. Surprised, he asked me why, given that I wouldn’t be drinking it. Tongue in cheek, I told him it was my way of saying, ‘I love you.’ He joked that I should do it more often, and so I did. It turned into this thing where every time I made him coffee it was me saying, ‘I love you.’ Sometimes I’d do it after a fight, and it would always get a smile. One day I was out running errands at Target and I found myself in appliances, where there was a coffee grinder. So as a laugh, I picked it up and took it home to him. When I gave him the gift, he started laughing hysterically. I didn’t understand why until he went to his closet and pulled out a coffee grinder! It turns out he’d bought me one, too — so I could tell him that I loved him more often!”
— Sharlene Smithers, 32, Vancouver, BC 

I was there with her in spirit — and in her heart
“My girlfriend was kind of a high-strung individual, but I’d never seen her as bad as the morning she was headed for a huge job interview. It was something she really wanted, so she was obsessing over every little detail of her appearance and talking to herself in the mirror, practicing what she wanted to say. So I watched her leave in a flurry of anxiety, waited until about five minutes before she was scheduled to go in, then sent her a text message, because I knew she’d look at her phone before she went in to turn off the ringer. The text said, ‘I believe in you. You’re amazing, talented, and an asset to any company that is willing to take you on. I’m right there with you — break a leg!’ She said the text came in at just the perfect time, and it calmed her down to know I supported her. She aced the interview and got the job… and knew how I felt about her, too.”
— Adam Grayson, 26, Granada Hills, CA 

His super-thoughtful care package revealed his feelings for me
“One day I was so sick that I couldn’t move off of the couch — I really was that weak — and I had to take a couple days of PTO. I was dreading how I was going to pass the time (seeing as I’m not big on soap operas and game shows), until one morning when my boyfriend dropped by on his way to work. He brought me a box filled with all of my favorite chick flicks — Legally BlondeThe Notebook10 Things I Hate About YouWorking GirlWhen Harry Met Sally…, etc. The list was endless — and he thoughtfully included some trashy romance novels, gossip magazines, and cold meds designed to knock me out if all of that didn’t work. Then he called and checked on me throughout the day. It was all so sweet, and not only did it show he cared for me, but that he listened — that pile of movies alone was the proof.”
— Jennifer Dougall, 30, Toronto, ON 

His attentiveness kept me feeling safe and sound during our first vacation together
“My boyfriend and I had been dating for only a couple of months when we decided to take a trip to Las Vegas together. You know those in-room safes they stick in the closet? I always put really important stuff in there — like most of the contents of my wallet — because I don’t like taking more than one piece of ID, some cash, and a credit card in my pocket when I hit the town. We were getting ready to go out for the night when I went to the safe and couldn’t open it. I asked him if he’d programmed it already and he said, ‘Yeah, the code is 0602.’ I was stunned — that was my birth date! When I told him that, he said, ‘I know’ and gave me a little smile, then continued getting ready for the evening. I was flabbergasted for most of the night, especially considering I think I had mentioned my birth date maybe once in passing at that point. That small gesture showed me that not only did he pay attention to what I was saying, but that I was in his heart and his mind, too.”
— Jane Miller, 31, Los Angeles, CA 

The way to both of our hearts? Through our stomachs, of course!
“My girlfriend and I have a silly little way of saying ‘I love you’ to each other. We each prefer to pack a lunch for work, and we usually make sandwiches. Instead of appointing one of us as the designated sandwich maker, we made a pact: No matter if we’re at her place or mine, whoever gets ready and downstairs first gets to tackle this daily chore. Somewhere along the way, a sweet little tradition began: We leave love notes in each other’s lunch bags. Sometimes it’s just a little slip of paper saying ‘I love you’ or ‘Last night was soooo hot!’ Other times it’ll say something just plain silly, like ‘Your love is better than salted, cured meats!’”
— Paul Sarkis, 38, Glen Rock, NJ 
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waiting for someone

Wait for the boy who pursues you. 
The one who will make an ordinary moment seem magical; 
the kind of boy who brings out the best in you and 
makes you want to be a better person. 

Wait for the boy who will be your best friend; 
the person who will drop everything to be 
with you at any time of the day no matter 
what the circumstances. 

Wait for the boy who makes you smile 
like no other boy makes you smile, 
and when he smiles you know he needs you. 

Wait for the boy who wants to 
show you off to the world when you are in 
sweats and have no makeup on, 
but appreciates it when you get all dolled up for him. 

And most of all, 

wait for the boy who will put you at the center of his universe, 
because obviously he's at the center of yours.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Remove Facebook Timeline In Firefox and Chrome Completely

Facebook timeline DiablesBored  or didnt like the new Facebook feature Facebook Timeline? This problem is with every one who activated facebook timeline. First peoples activated timeline than they wanted to remove it. Even facebook don’t tell users how they can Remove Facebook Timeline. Well, many friends and peoples ask me how to Remove Facebook Timeline . I now comes with this tutorial. You can now easily  Remove Facebook Timeline In Firefox and Chrome Completely. Just follow following steps.

Remove Facebook Timeline In FirefoxHow to Remove Facebook Timeline

How to Remove Facebook Timeline
  • Now go to Tools<Default User Agent<Internet Explorer and Select Internet Explorer 7.
How to Remove Facebook Timeline
  • Now go to your Facebook Profile. You might be seeing that the page is having errors and unnecessary spaces between them. So follow the link and Install FB Purity Extension in your Firefox Browser.
How to Remove Facebook Timeline
So, that’s all! Refresh your Facebook profile. And you will be seeing that your old profilelook is back!

How to Remove Facebook TimelineRemove Facebook Timeline In Google Chrome:

  • Go to your desktop. Right Click on Google Chrome’s Shortcut and Click on Properties.
  • Now properties Window will open. Go to Shortcut Tab. Now you need to add some changes in the Target.
Paste the following code in the Target window after the : “C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe”
  • Code to add For Windows Vista & Windows 7 Users.
–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”
  • Code to add for For Windows XP Users.
–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)”
  • Remember, you need to leave space between:
“C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe”<SPACE>–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”
  • Apply it and Hit OK.
How to Remove Facebook Timeline
  • Now go to your Facebook Profile. In this you will be seeing that you are having errors in your timeline. So Now you need to install FB Purity in your Chrome Browser.

How to Remove Facebook Timeline
  • Refresh your Profile page (Ctrl+F5) !!
That’s all you have now Remove Facebook Timeline . Hope you will enjoyed the post. Do let me know if you are still facing problem to Remove Facebook Timeline..
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